
The University is governed by a 15 member Council. As the governing authority, the primary functions of the Council are:

  1. strategic oversight of the University, including:
  • setting the mission, values and strategic direction of the University; and
  • ongoing review of the success of those strategies.
  1. ensuring effective overall governance and management of the University, including:
  • appointing the Chancellor and Pro-Chancellor;
  • appointing the Vice-Chancellor as principal academic and chief executive officer of the University, and monitoring his or her performance;
  • overseeing and reviewing the management of the University and its performance;
  • ensuring that the strategic goals set by the Council are delivered by effective management systems;
  • overseeing and monitoring the academic activities of the University;
  • establishing policy and procedural principles, consistent with legal requirements and community expectations.
  1. ensuring responsible financial and risk management of the University, including:
  • approving the annual budget, business plan and annual report;
  • overseeing and monitoring the assessment and management of risk across the University, including in its commercial undertakings;
  • approving and monitoring systems of control and accountability for the University and any entities controlled by the University (within the meaning of section 50AA of the Corporations Act 2001);
  • approving significant commercial activities of the University.

The academic standards, management and administration of the University are the responsibility of the Vice-Chancellor, in accordance with the Vice-Chancellorship Statute 2013 and subject to any resolution of the Council.

The Chair, Academic Board, is an active participant at Council meetings.


CategoryMemberTerm expiry
Chancellor The Hon Julie Bishop 31 Dec 2026
Vice-Chancellor Professor Genevieve BellEx-officio
Seven members appointed by the Minister Ms Alison Kitchen AM
30 Jun 2025
Ms Tanya Hosch 30 Jun 2028
Mr Rob Whitfield AM30 Jun 2028
Dr Larry Marshall 31 Jul 2027
Professor Sarah Pearson 30 Jun 2026
Ms Padma Raman PSM30 Jun 2025
Dr Anne-Marie Schwirtlich AM30 Jun 2025
Deans and research school heads member Professor Juliana Ng29 Sep 2026
Academic staff (Faculties) member Dr Liz Allen 29 Sep 2024
Academic staff (Institute) member Professor Lyndall Strazdins 29 Sep 2024
Professional staff member Mrs Megan Easton25 May 2026
Postgraduate student member Mr Edan Habel30 Nov 2024
Undergraduate student member Phoenix O'Neill 30 Nov 2024
Chair, Academic Board (non voting) Professor Anthony Connolly Ex-officio


Date & LocationDeadlines
Friday 09 Feb, 9.00 am
Innovation Space, Birch Building
Agenda deadline
17 Jan
Friday 05 Apr, 9.00 am
Research School of Physics Boardroom, Level 4, Room 4.02
Agenda deadline
13 Mar
Friday 14 Jun, 9.00 am
Research School of Physics Boardroom, Level 4, Room 4.02
Agenda deadline
22 May
Friday 09 Aug, 9.00 am
Agenda deadline
17 Jul
Friday 04 Oct, 9.00 am
Agenda deadline
11 Sep
Friday 06 Dec, 9.00 am
Agenda deadline
13 Nov