Election to Council of a professional staff member

Council - professional staff election 2024

Report of the Returning Officer on the 2024 election of a Member of Council by Members of the Professional Staff of the University 

The 2024 election of a member of Council by members of the professional staff of the University was held in accordance with the Australian 精东传媒app University Act 1991, the Australian 精东传媒app University (Governance) Statute 2023 and the Governance Rule 2023.

Ten candidates were nominated for election to Council. All candidates and their nominators were checked against the professional staff roll comprising those holding a full-time or part-time standard or fixed term professional staff appointment in the University on pay day 29 February 2024 and who were paid a salary by the University on that day. All nominations were in order. 

The candidates were Elizabeth Bailey, Jude Burger, Dr Justin Clarke, Mark Cook, Meredith Dellar, Megan Easton, Joel McLean, Millan Pintos-Lopez, Dr Fiona Scotney and Kerry-Ann Virgo. 

An electronic ballot was conducted, using the University APOLLO system. By the close of the poll, at 5pm on Friday 12 April 2024, 635 professional staff had registered a vote. 

The scrutiny of the electronic count was conducted by the Returning Officer (University Secretary) via a Zoom videoconference at 11:00am on Monday 15 April 2024.  Leslie McDonald from the Governance & Risk Office, Phillip Tweedie from the Office of the Chief Operating Officer and Greg Barry, a nominated scrutineer, verified the results of the count.

Following the count of preferences, I declare Megan Easton elected as the Professional Staff member on Council effective 26 May 2024.

Megan will hold office from 26 May 2024 until 25 May 2026.

For more information regarding ANU Council Elections, timetables and election rules, please contact returning.officer@anu.edu.au

Belinda Farrelly
Returning Officer
University Secretary
Director, Governance and Risk


15 April 2024

Election Timetable


Call for Nominations commences


5pm Nominations close


Voting links to be sent to eligible staff


Voting Closes 5pm


Scrutiny of final results & announcement of elected member
