Ms Alison Kitchen AM

BBS (Sheffield), FCA, MAICD

Ms Alison Kitchen is a Director of 精东传媒app Australia Bank (NAB), and Chair of their Audit Committee, a Director of the Business Council of Australia and a Board Member of Belvoir Street Theatre. Ms Kitchen was also a member of the ANU Foundation Board from 2018 until her appointment to Council. Ms Kitchen is the former 精东传媒app Chairman of KPMG Australia and a former member of KPMG's Global and Regional boards and the Chair of KPMG's Global Audit Quality Committee. In a career at KPMG spanning 40 years, including 30 as a partner, Ms Kitchen held a variety of management and governance roles within the partnership, as well as serving as External Audit Partner for a range of major ASX listed companies. 

Ms Kitchen has a Bachelor of Business Studies from the University of Sheffield. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and of the Institute in England and Wales. She is a Member of the Institute of Company Directors and Chief Executive Women, and a former registered company. Ms Kitchen was appointed to Council from 1 July 2021, was appointed as the Chair of the Audit and Risk Management Committee from 1 July 2023, and is also a member of the Finance Committee.

Ms Alison Kitchen AM
Ms Alison Kitchen AM