Change or correct your name, title, date of birth or gender
Is your date of birth displaying incorrectly on ISIS?
ANU webpages display your name according to your web browser's date format settings, so if the date and month appear to have been switched this may be an issue with your browser settings rather than your ANU record. See here for instructions on updating your browser date format settings:
Checking your current details
You can check the primary (official) name, date of birth and citizenship status listed on your University record on your ISIS account via the quick link to 'Personal Information' on the ISIS homepage, or via the pathway:
- NavBar (compass icon) > Menu > ISIS > Personal Details > Personal Information
This record is used on official University documents like your official Academic Transcript, Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) and Testamur.
Change or correct your details
- Correct or change of official name, title or date of birth
- Complete an Application to change name, title or date of birth (under Resources).
- Provide supporting documentation (e.g. birth certificate, passport, marriage certificate, change of name certificate, divorce certificate).
- Submit the form and documentation to Student Central by emailing a colour scan to
Your name can only be changed to reflect the name shown on the official documentation provided, no variation can be accepted.
- Change or correct gender
To change or correct the gender listed on your official University record:
- Complete an Application to change name, title or date of birth (under Resources).
- Provide supporting documentation. Accepted documents include:
- Passport or birth certificate; OR
- Statement from a registered medical practitioner or a registered psychologist that you have been receiving clinical treatment relating to the change of gender or are an intersex person.
- Submit the form and documentation to Student Central by emailing a colour scan to
- Preferred name
- NavBar (compass symbol) > Navigator > ISIS > Personal Details > Personal Information
Any questions?
Advisory information
Related websites
- Student Central
- 135 ANU (135 268)
- Send email
- Student Central Homepage