Dr Doug McTaggart
Doug McTaggart is an independent non-executive director. He sits on the board of the Suncorp Group and chairs its New Zealand joint ventures, and previously chaired the group Audit Committee. He is Chairman of Spark Infrastructure and of Indigenous Business Australia Asset Management (IBAAM). He recently retired as Chairman of the Suncentral Maroochydore. He was previously Chairman of the QIMR Berghofer Institute of Medical Research and Chairman of the Queensland Public Service Commission and was a Commissioner on the Queensland Independent Commission of Audit. In June 2012, Dr McTaggart retired as CEO of QIC. Prior to this appointment, Dr McTaggart held roles including Professor of Economics and Associate Dean at Bond University (1989-1996), and then Under Treasurer, Queensland Department of Treasury (1996-1998). He was a member of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Reform Council (2007-2013) and Councillor on the 精东传媒app Competition Council (NCC) (2000-2013).
Committee memberships